Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Traveling and Berlin (Germany)

This past weekend my husband and I had the opportunity to visit Berlin. We were very excited to be traveling to a city that we had previously only read about, seen pictures of, and watched either historical movie footage, or seen Hollywood movies about. Needless to say, we each had our own personal impressions and/or expectations of what we would see and experience. Our impressions and expectations were not unfounded nor were we disappointed!

We saw historical sites and monuments. We saw different types of architecture, museums, cathedrals, churches, synagogues. We saw portions of the “Wall”, Checkpoint Charlie, the path of where the Wall once stood, what was once “East” Berlin, the Jewish neighborhood, the Old and New Jewish Museums. We saw shopping centers, local shops, and coffee shops. We saw so much that we were in (what we have come to term in the positive sense)... “Military-History Overload”! We say affectionately because albeit the history of this area has affected millions and there was much sadness and suffering because of one person, one family, one government, or one country’s aspiration(s)—we enjoy reading, studying, and visiting these places. It is by knowing the past that we can (or aspire to) know the future.

It is amazing to be in a city where pivotal points in history have occurred. Pivotal points which have affected not just the area we are visiting, but the whole world. To be able to say that WE visited and WE stood on a particular site where historical figures once stood. What were their thoughts, their hopes and their dreams? How did they feel, think? Perhaps that is the whole crux of our wanting to travel to far away lands. We did not start out as toddlers saying, we are going to Berlin...we are going to Venice...and so on. I think the most important part about those phrases are the words, “...WE ARE GOING...” That is really what matters...is “to go” and in doing so another important part of life happens, “living” . There was a phrase that I have heard that went something like this, “...it is not the fact that they lived, it is rather ...that they Lived. “

I seem to be going off on another subject that should probably be saved for another Post, so I will leave with one thought in place, "...it is not so much the destination that matters, rather it is the journey and who is at your side that matters..."

So here are a couple of pictures of Berlin...which when I am old(er) and cannot move around...I can look back at them and say... “I Lived”...


At 8:31 AM, Blogger Rowena said...

Wow Katalina! That was absolutely great! And it is making me all amped again to go out exploring this world of ours that has so, so much to share. My aunt who lives in Tennessee was in the Air Force for a long while, and she has told me that there is just so much to learn and discover on this planet. I agree with you all the way on living part. So many people unfortunately only know to exist in life, while others actually are living it. High Five!!


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