Sunday, March 12, 2006

Yup...still here!!!

Aloha all!!! YUP!!! I'm (we) are still here in Germany! It has been a long while since I have posted...just been a little busy! (The picture you see is from my home office window. You can see we have a little snow today...such a beautiful sight!)

Well, let's see...where did I leave off? Oh yes, it has been since December when I started back to work. All is well in the job arena...except I am no longer working the job I started in December. (Good/Bad you ask?) Definitely "GOOD"!!! I had been working 12 hour shifts for the Army Garrison in their Ops Center and that all came to an end. (Yay!) I am now working directly for the Garrison Commander (no more shift work)!!! The work is very interesting and very dynamic. The work day(s) seem to "fly" by and before I know it, it is time to go home! (Oh yeah! My kind of job! Busy! Busy! Busy!) The work is very rewarding and I feel quite fortunate to have had a "year off" from the workforce AND to have found an interesting and rewarding job! God has truly Blessed me!

Not much traveling in the last couple of months...just a couple of short trips on the weekends. We did get to go to Belgium (Brugge and Oostende) before I started work (will write a post on that trip a little later).

So...friends and family...once again...we are STILL here (Alive and Well)!!! Love and Aloha to all of you!


At 7:13 PM, Blogger spoiledbrat said...

Great to hear all is well! Congrats on the new job. Hugs and kisses to you and Port.

At 6:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Katherine -- So good to read a new message on your Blog. I check it every now an then to make sure I haven't missed anything. Happen to hear about your new job, but sure miss hearing from you.

Did you hear that Rod Bagley passed away? Went to the funeral last Tuesday. So sad!

Lots of things have happened over the past year but can't go into them here.

Keep staying healthy -- when are you and Porter coming back to the States?


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