Monday, October 24, 2005

It's Meme Time!!!

In a recent “Meme Tag” that I received from “da Local Girl” in Italy, I have been tasked (challenged!) to the following (verbage taken from Rubbahslippahsinitaly Blog:

Here are the instructions for this meme:
1. Dig into your blog archive.
2. Find your 23rd post or (closest to).
3. Find the 5th sentence (or closest to).
4. Post the entire text of the sentence along with these instructions.

Ponder it for meaning, subtext or hidden agendas...
5. Tag five people to do the same.

Ok is my “meme” response:

The 23rd post (or closest to) is from an August 2005 post... "Grand Duche de Luxembourg"

The 5th sentence (or closest to) is “During our trip to Trier we decided to take a drive to Luxembourg and revisit an area that my husband had once toured with his family some forty years ago!”

In “pondering” the “...meaning, subtext, or hidden agendas...”:

At the time of writing the entry, I did not think of any agenda(s) ..hidden or not. In reviewing the sentence, I can only say that if there were a "hidden agenda" then perhaps it might be to let the reader know that this same area was visited by my husband and his family many, many, many years I am typing this now, perhaps to let the reader know that my husband has been fortunate to have traveled many a mile all over this great big world. He has seen and experienced places that some people only dream about. He is among those that can call themselves world travelers and is fortunate to “revisit” the place(s) of his boyhood travels and reflect upon where and what he has seen and done!

Whew! Interesting “...Meme...” Rowena!!! I am going to have to “stretch” to “...tag five people to do the same.” That said...
I tag Janice from SacraTomato, Sance from Michigan, Muley from Texas, Tiare or Tara from Hawai’i ala, Steve or Eva from Australia!


At 3:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing the meme sistah! And I think that 5th sentence actually says a lot because I like how you and your husband go travelling all over the place. Whenever you post something about your travels, I'm all ears... errr..maybe better to say all hungry for dah food pics!

At 10:57 PM, Blogger Rowena said...

I know what you mean about those scooter riders being crazy and gutsy! They are all the same maniacs over here. But I would not ride in heavy downtown traffic, only between the small mountain towns. With all of the uphill and downhill roads, using a regular bike would just kill me!


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