Thanksgiving this year was spent thousands of miles away from our family. While we did indeed, miss everyone, we were not sad nor were we lonely. Rather, we spent the day with newfound friends.
We spent the day in Bavaria at a family home that dates back to the early 1600’s. In fact, if you were to view a “copperplate” of the town circa 1602, you would find our host’s home and the exact location on the town map!
Prior to our Thanksgiving Dinner, we were afforded a tour of the home. All of the doors were typically “short” (by American standards!) and all had the original iron-work door handles—still in perfect operating condition! In each room throughout the home, were antique “shranks” (known primarily in America as “armoire”), beautifully carved tables, chairs, and beds. There was also a traditional ceramic stove that served as one of the room’s heaters. This ceramic heater is used to this day! Throughout the house was original artwork and paintings (one of our hosts’ sons is an artist). There was one painting in particular that my husband noticed and inquired about. It was a painting of a French farmhouse, gate, and structures. Nostalgic memories of our host surfaced and wonderful stories to accompany the painting were to be heard!
Of course, there were “modern-day” additions to the home and these changes were incorporated beautifully with the “old”. The home was warm, comfortable, and quite welcoming to us!
At last it was time for our “Traditional” Thanksgiving Dinner! Yum! Dinner was prepared by one of Porter’s co-workers. (Each year for the past five years-plus, she has prepared a “Traditional” Thanksgiving Dinner at our hosts’ home). We had turkey and stuffing, cranberry sauce, gravy, mashed potatoes, candied yams, fresh cauliflower with a cheese sauce, a “mashed-potato-stuffing” (first time I had tasted anything like that....absolutely delicious!). I am sure there was more, but for the life of me, I cannot say what there was!
After dinner was cleared away, we sat and chatted. Our host(s) shared their memories of growing up in the family home (over 70 years ago!). Then it was time for coffee, tea, and dessert! We had an apple pie (HUGE apple pie, I should say!), a walnut-cranberry tart, and Pecan-Streusel Pumpkin Pie and whipped cream! The pies were delicious and all were received well by the other guests. (I was the baker!)
All-in-all, it was an enjoyable day and we were indeed full of “Thanks” for this life, our family, and friends that God has Graciously Blessed us with!
Glad to hear that you folks had a great time on Thanksgiving. All that food! All the company! All those desserts!!!
It is snowing again and although I think this fluffy white precipipation is initially fun to play in, I no like when it turns to ice. Yesterday I was walking down our driveway with the Mads running ahead on her leash. If I never slip and almost hele ovah. It was so funny because I had my legs positioned as if I was on one surfboard with the dog pulling me on the ice!
Hey Kat, sounds like ya had fun...num num num num num to all that food and yes especially those desserts!!! That turkey looks great! Hmm okay why am I not tired of turkey? dunno..but it does look good...
Happy holidays to everyone!
Howzit again,
Regarding the scrapbook comment... I haven't even thought of doing one, but I save all of her photos in a file. If there's one thing that we both agree about having a dog in our lives, it's the fact that she's a great stress reliever. Just watching her funny antics and cracking up is too much sometimes!!! That face! How can you not love that face?! Hahahhaa!
Happy Birthday Katalina!!!!!
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