Sunday, July 10, 2005

Munich Posted by Hello


At 11:02 AM, Blogger i said...

Hi! Stumbled on your site. I was in Stuttgart a couple of years ago and am wondering if you are more comfortable there than I got in the two weeks I visited. I felt like I was being peeked at for being brown. I probably shouldn't have read Jong's "Fear of Flying" on the flight over.

At 11:15 AM, Blogger Katalina B said...

Howzit "I"!!! Sometimes I think the "older" residents here (50plus) may stop and stare outright. I just figured they have not seen such a "beautiful Islander" before !!! (Nah! just kidding!) But, yes...there are times when I receive a few stares, but I just "shine those on!" My biggest fear/phobia here is not being able to speak the language. Sure, I can mumble the greetings, etc., but when they start speaking (other than the greeting!)...I panic because I can't understand them! (so...I am searching for a sprachinstitut) (One of those three month "crash" courses they offer). I figure since I am going to be here for at least another 2+ years, I may as well learn!!!

Mahalo for stopping in!!!


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